(954) 345-0252 [email protected]

Common Questions

Do You Accept Insurance?

I work on a fee for services basis and try to keep my fee’s fair and affordable. I do not want insurance or cost to be a barrier to you getting the help you want or need.

If you have insurance that will pay any provider (traditional insurance or a PPO) I will electronically bill your insurance company for you.

I do not contract with any HMO’s. But if you feel you need to stay within your HMO’s list of providers I would be happy to go over the list with you and recommend someone on the list I know to be good.

What is Therapy Like?

Therapy can vary greatly depending on the individual and the goals of the patient. Generally, a therapist will want to discuss the events that lead the patient to seek therapy in the first place and move on to resolving more specific goals for the patient.

Commonly, sessions will be scheduled weekly and will last around an hour. Therapy can be focused on a singular issue or can last long term – addressing overarching personal issues and working on emotional growth. On occasion, a therapist might suggest books, activities, or keeping track of events in your life. It is always important that a therapist has all relevant data and information, just like your doctor. For therapy to be effective, you must actively participate in and out of your sessions.

Is My Privacy Protected?

In a word, yes. Confidentiality and privileged communications are the rights of all clients of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers according to law and professional ethics.  Confidential information about you, your psychological test results and the psychological or counseling services provided to you will not be released  without your written permission, except as otherwise required by law or by a court of competent jurisdiction.  The law provides for the following exceptions to this provision:

  1. If the therapist suspects child or elder abuse.
  2. If the therapist has knowledge of intent to harm oneself or others.
  3. If the therapist receives a court order to the contrary.

Providing people with life-long strategies for overcoming emotional and psychological challenges. Let’s talk.

Our Location

1881 University Drive, Suite 202
Coral Springs, Fl 33071


(954) 345-0252


(954) 345-0253